Jack Sr. is in the news in California over inmate care and consultants. This latest stirring Stobo story (he still throws me a blogging bone now and again) involving Houston-based NuPhysicia harks back to the good ol' Omnicell days, when Junior sat on that company's board of directors at the same time Dad was running UTMB, one of Omnicell's largest clients. Click on the highlighted text to view a letter from Dr. Stobo's own employees absolving him of any conflict of interest with Omnicell; otherwise, shout "California here we come!" and move on to the latest controversy:
Union of American Physicians and Dentists: Does UC Vice President Stobo Stand to Profit From Corrections Healthcare Deal? | Press Releases @ Your Story
Union of American Physicians and Dentists: Does UC Vice President Stobo Stand to Profit From Corrections Healthcare Deal? | Press Releases @ Your Story
Prior to his current position at UC, Dr. Stobo was president of the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB), an academic health center that assumed responsibility for inmate medical care in the State of Texas. NuPhysicia, according to its website, "exclusively operates telemedicine methods developed by the University of Texas Medical Branch, proven through serving hundreds of thousands of patients around the world." In other words, Dr. Stobo is now promoting a plan for California that was drafted by a for-profit company which commercialized methods first developed under his leadership at UTMB. This connection raises questions about a possible conflict of interest for Dr. Stobo.
Out of curiosity, I sent a request to the Texas Secretary of State to find out who the officers were. No Stobo there. Open the link below to view the response:
Download Swonke-Reamy NuPhysicia 100322
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